We work with clients to expand their reach, relevancy, and revenue potentail with new and current audiences.
Find Your Growing Edge
Discover Hidden Potential
Standout from the Competition
Attract/Retain New Audiences
Regardless of the goal – be it refreshing a brand, launching a new venture, or identifying ways (on and offline) to build a community – we start from where are clients are and build one-of-a-kind approaches that are realistic yet effective at big strides forward, fast.
These are just a few deeper insights of the type of role we've played as advisors AND serving as internal team members.
National Association of
When you lead an important mission impacting women's health at a time when states are rolling back women's rights, but only have a small team and need to grow revenue to do more – how to you create new momentum that will inspire members plus attract new members and sponsors? How do you grow membership with schools are advising against your profession?
We listened and learned from members, the board and leadership, then took a look at updating NPWH's brand positioning and promise, as well as thought leadership strategy. We developed a new position and voice for the organization based on business priorities, needs of existing and (younger) potential members, input from board members, and trending topics online and in the news.
We also created new sponsorship program and expanded programming to diversify funding sources and types of funders, such as the first-ever (PeriMenopause Summit attracting the most participants in the history of the association).
We began pitching NPWH leadership to media and telling stories of nurse practitioners in women's health online to start building awareness of this little known women's health expert whose expertise squarely falls in reproductive health.
Helped reposition the association and relaunch its new brand image, as well as developed new funding and member programming around critical women’s health issues. The first program launched in January 2024 exceeded financial goals by at least 50%.
Client Service/Mgmt. + Brand Design/Strategy + Creative Direction + Public Relations/ Marketing/Communications Strategy + Digital Media/Design/SEO + Project/Team Mgmt + Business Development + Content Development (incl speech + script writing)
How do you take current education assets and position them in a way they attract and meet the needs of younger (and future) members? How do you build community, especially with younger generations, who are digital natives, and don't seem to be engaging as much as you'd like them to online?
Wanting attract a younger, more diverse group of earth and space science students to see AGU as their go-to career development partner, and with a looming talent shortfall in the U.S. (in the midst of a turbulent political environment), AGU's talent development and marketing teams wanted to collaborate how to put their best foot forward. They also wanted to build bridges internally to work together more collaboratively.
As part of our work, we conducted basic research and focus groups looking at how best to position AGU with multiple generations (including Millennials and GenZ) in ways that felt more purposeful and personalized versus traditional one size fits all communications.
We also conducted an asset review, external landscape review, as well as a brand audit of key learning and continuing education products in order to create a roadmap how best to grow membership, as well as refresh AGU's long-standing reputation with earth and space scientists of all ages at a time when climate change was under attack for being a false premise.
Through our assessment phase of work for the talent development team, we discovered a small internal program, The Virtual Poster Showcase, that was on the chopping block, but would prove to be a successful venture for the association in its goal to become a resource to students and young scientists. We went as far as to work with internal team members to reposition the Showcase online, remove enrollment barriers, improve messaging and buyer's journey (UX and UI), and promotional communications (including ads, blogs, emails) before, during and after each Showcase.
Business/Marketing Strategy + Brand Strategy + Research + Messaging + Persona Development + Content Development for Learning Division; Also UX/UI Strategy + FB Advertising Campaign + Digital Strategy/Project Oversight for Millennial Learning Product
When you merge two enormous companies and lifestyle brands together, how do you grab the attention of your top executives who are busy around the world to join a three-day event? Leading up to, during and following the event, how do you build awareness and trust to support a new day and way of working under the Marriott, especially for the acquired team?
Attendance wasn't mandatory making a creative communications plan that much more important to attract attendance. Designed an approach that built interest in the event as well as provided "before you depart" checklists and information, much like a concierge service. Went the extra mile to create a positive attendee experience by enhancing the simple event app being developed so it was even more user-centric.
Attendance reached the highest turnout on record and was lauded not only for the creative and informative information leading up to the event, but also for the level of personalization and detail the App provided how to get the most out of the multi-day event.
UX/UI + App Development + Communications/Promotion Strategy + Cross Team Collaboration
When a founding CEO of a 28 year old firm wants to align the best of her organization to create new efficiencies, attract new talent, and position self for future growth, where do you begin? What models do you use to anchor your vision and how do you initiate change with staff so they evolve along with change?
Working with the CEO to outline her priorities and goals (for herself and the business), developed a blue print of change for empowering staff, streamlining operations, expanding client business development, and improving customer service. Work involved upgrading technology, increasing accountability and employee engagement levels, updating HR and financial processes, realigning corporate culture and annual reviews with core values, establishing go-forward business strategy with a more diversified client portfolio, and help grow this socially conscious firm.
Set up office's first DEI team and strategy.
Transitioned firm from in-office culture to a more customer-service oriented and virtual office prior to COVID, including new technology integration company-wide.
Worked to diversify client base and business development strategy to help weather changes to federal agency policies, administration changes, and capture new clients (including AGU and the Small Business Administration).
Leadership Development/Coaching + Operations/C-Level Leadership + Business Strategy + Change Management + Internal Communications + Marketing/Branding/Positioning
How do you change the perception of what long-standing organizations represent in people's minds? How do you create energy around important issues like the reading, aging, consumer protection, honoring veterans and preserving American history?
Designed and oversaw award-winning campaigns, events, tours, programs, and partnerships in Fleishman Hillard's consumer markets division. Integrated cutting edge digital tools and partnered with top (client) executives to implement creative approaches on and offline were aimed at capturing the minds and hearts for various audiences (e.g., partners, policy makers and key stakeholders), as well as providing interesting news angles for journalists.
Sample award-winning campaigns included:​
TriCare – Curbing drinking of young service members. ("Don't Be That Guy" campaign)
Common Ground Alliance – Protecting our national underground infrastructure and saving lives campaign complete with a successful partnership program with John Deere, Travelers Insurance and others to spread the word. ("Call 811 Before You Dig" campaign.)
AARP – Honoring the Freedom Riders and the African American experience during civil rights. (Emmy-winning "Voices of Civil Rights" tour.)
AARP 50th – Repositioning an established brand and shifting public perception 50 is the new 40 + 50th Anniversary celebration.
Veterans History Project/Library of Congress – Honoring American veterans by promoting the Veterans History Project and launching the WWII Memorial.
Social Security Administration w/ Monster.com – Empowering individuals with disabilities to build confidence, skills and network with employers; partnership program with Monster.com ensured further reach.
National Book Festival – On behalf of First Lady Laura Bush and Library of Congress, inspiring kids of all ages to read as part of a healthy and vibrant life and society.
Client Service/Mgmt. + Brand Design/Strategy + Public Relations/ Marketing/Communications Strategy + Digital Media/Design/SEO + Project/Team Mgmt. + Business Development + Vendor Mgmt.